Hi there and welcome! We're super happy to have you join and this document is meant to be as short as possible so that you can get up to speed ASAP.

We don't want to bore you. So we've boiled down what you need to know and divided it into two parts:

  1. Etiquette: rules of interaction and doing work efficiently
  2. Tools: what we all use to conduct our work


Here's the etiquette that we're following.

1. Uninterrupted blocks of time

Proper work is done when "deep work" is happening. One hour of uninterrupted time is not the same as 3 blocks * 20 minutes of work with interruptions.

Deep work is what happens when you're "in the zone": that feeling that you get when work just continues smoothly.

We understand how crucial it is for creative people like you to work uninterrupted, so here's the deal:

Don't abuse this deal - it can be broken.

2. Replying

The previous etiquette point has an implication: when you read a message (at that moment or eventually), confirm that you've understood it by replying, even with something as short as "Got it"

Otherwise the person might assume you're in deep work, that you've missed the message or have other wrong assumptions. Make sure both sides of the conversation know when a conversation is over.

3. As asynchronously as possible

We steer away from synchronous communication as much as possible.

Why? 10 people in an 1-hour meeting incurs a 10-hour cost. Asynchronous communication lets everyone pick up the pace at their own time.

What does this mean in practice?

There is a place for synchronous meetings, but we try to avoid them as much as possible.

4. Hotspot hours

As a consequence of the previous rules, we need to be aware of your interval of working hours, so we can calculate the "hotspot hours".

"Hotspot hours" are the hours where all of us overlap for possible synchronous communication – everybody can be on their own schedule, but we need to make sure there's space for synchronous communication in the rare situations that require that.

We usually overlap for 3-4h/day.

Other than that, you're free to build your own schedule of work, trying to set up the ground for deep work as much as you can.

Therefore, the working hours interval can be a bigger one, if you plan to take breaks or just need flexibility in your workflow: kids have to taken somewhere, yoga class, etc.

For instance, working hours for you are 8am to 8pm because...

The choice is yours: we place trust in your ability to manage time and give this flexibility, but, as it was mentioned before: this deal can be broken if it's abused.

The only rule is that everybody must leave their hotspot hours interval with a clear idea of what they have to do until the next interval of hotspot hours.

5. Numbered lists

It's a written rule: numbered lists require numbered answers.

For instance, if someone is asking you:

  1. Question 1
  2. Question 2
  3. Question 3

You'll have to address all items like so:

  1. Answer to question 1
  2. Answer to question 2
  3. Answer to question 3

6. Deciding by yourself

Think of it this way when deciding something: there are 2-way-doors and 1-way-doors.

2-way-doors = decisions which can be reversed

1-way-doors = irreversible decisions

Decide for yourself on 2-way-doors. It's okay to be wrong, as long as it's a 2-way-door.

For 1-way-doors, it's better to discuss. Especially if you're not sure: just ask.

7. No questions are stupid

No questions are too stupid to be asked. Just ask.

8. Radical transparency

We must be radically transparent to each other. That means being honest, but with common sense.

That implies a few things:

  1. Let the other person know what you're really thinking — as long as it serves the purpose that you're both trying to achieve.
  2. Radical transparency means we can disagree.
  3. Radical transparency sounds good in theory, but the reverse side of the blade is that it can create resentments. So don't let resentments build — talk even about that.
  4. Radical transparency is a deal. You're transparent with me, I'm transparent with you. However, that's not to say that common sense and respect are out of the question.

More here.

9. Optimise for frugality

After something is made, optimise for frugality.

The difference between 100kb and 200kb may not matter, but for a number of 1m yearly users, 100kb saved on a picture become 0.1TB saved in a year.

5 seconds saved in load time mean ~1389 hours (~58 days) saved in a year for our users. Humanity has ~1389 more hours to live and exist because you spent some time to save 5 seconds per load.

Your efforts saved those 1389 hours. You just created something out of nothing!

Creating something out of nothing is what we're looking to do.

10. Build process

Always aim for building a process: it takes longer in the short-term, but pays off in the long-term, just like the example given earlier.

What building process means: let's say you're instructing someone on seeing a demo you made. Preparations have to be made: Node.js must be installed, for instance, amongst others (Brew, Watchman etc).

Not building a process would mean having a 1-on-1 conversation with that person, which "charges" you a total 30 minutes. But it's on both you and the other person, so they get charged 30 minutes as well. 1 hour of "total time" has been charged.

It may sound like a stretch to say 30 minutes, but think about things like the idle time you both lose as you're waiting for: download time, forgotten passwords etc.

What happens when:

Building a process would mean writing a document with clear instructions, maybe for 45 min instead of 30 min. 10 people read that document on their time, while your time has been charged only once.

Even if writing the document takes longer than one 1-on-1 conversation, it pays off in the long run. Plus, you'll soon find out that writing the document may even be shorter than the 1-on-1!

11. Set up the timeline

Every time you set up a task, make sure you set up a deadline. Why? Everybody else will make plans based on that deadline (and thus build the timeline of the project).

Deadlines are flexible with us, in the sense that you set it, but once it's set, you'll be responsible for that deadline. If we find the timeline too slow, we'll object, though it rarely happens. It's important to set up deadlines, even if it might feel at times like overplanning — every other member in the team takes into account the set deadline of your tasks.

Feel free to use the Group To-dos function of Basecamp and set one deadline on one item of the grouped to-do — people will understand that the deadline for that group of to-dos is that one you've set on one task.


12. Not pointing out makes you responsible

When planning (especially with the product manager), for every plan feature, function, plan, suggestion. If the decision taken:

Mention it. Even if you don't yet have the solution. Point out what is/might be wrong. Do it in a polite way, but do it.